Special Topics in Applied Shamanism

Special Topics in Applied Shamanism

The courses in the Applied Shamanism program are designed to support personal transformation. They offer a broad range of healing techniques, including power retrieval, soul retrieval, and drum healing, to name just a few.

Those who have not studied Applied Shamanism may attend the workshop, and may have the opportunity to receive a healing. There will not be extensive explanation of the basics of shamanic work, but there will be opportunities to witness Applied Shamanic healing practices and learn about their application to a variety of symptoms.

Special focus will be on helping students develop skills in working shamanically to help balance climate change.

This workshop will offer an opportunity for students of Applied Shamanism to hone their skills in:

• Working in the middle world
• Soul retrieval
• The guiding of souls

Students will have be able to receive guidance through:

• Supervised practice
• Demonstration
• Case study review
• Personalized instruction

Workshop Details:

Tuition: $150

Upcoming Workshops: