Video & Podcast Production Fund

Video & Podcast Production Fund

Your donation to this fund enables us to preserve many of the amazing thought leaders and artists who come to the Sacred Stream Center as well as share our podcast, teachings, and collaborative projects with the world – making this wisdom accessible to everyone for free!

Whether it is creating videos or podcast episodes, there are always production costs involved. Recording, editing, and post-production all involve many hours of time and a number of people to get the job done. Our small budget limits us to creating one podcast episode per month and our video projects are finished as time and funding allows. Video projects can cost as much five thousand dollars to complete, depending on the complexity of the project. Currently, we have several projects in need of post-production funding, including a time-lapse recording of the making of a Tibetan Sand Mandala.

If you have ever enjoyed a podcast episode or benefited from watching a video on our website or YouTube channel, please consider making a donation to help us continue to provide this helpful content.

Support the Video & Podcast Production Fund