The Wisdom of Emotions with Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche (Hybrid)
In this class, Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche breaks down the anatomy of emotions and demonstrates how mental states affect emotional responses. Drawing on elements of Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life, Khensur Rinpoche teaches ways of working with emotional experience to create a more balanced and stable response to life’s difficulties. A Tantric master, Khensur Rinpoche will demonstrate how Vajrayana practice can help us tap into the essential qualities found in strong emotions in order to transform these emotions into powerful teachers. He will also offer practices to help us loosen attachments that are often embedded in difficult emotions. Translator Nyima Tsam, an expert in dharma translation will provide expert Tibetan to English translation. This is an opportunity to learn directly from his eminence, Khensur Rinpoche Thupten Tenzin, one of the rare wisdom holders of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
This online class consists of several recorded lectures and supporting meditations made available on the student portal page, and one live online Q and A with Khensur Rinpoche. You will receive access to the class portal page and videos beginning on February 2. Lectures are offered in Tibetan with translation by Nyima Tsam.
Registration fee: $325
Early Registration before February 15: $295
Saturday, March 15, 2025
9:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific (12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Eastern)
Contact for more information.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Please Note: It is recommended that you have some knowledge of Buddhism or Buddhist philosophy to take this course.