Soul Retrieval & the Guiding of Souls

Soul Retrieval & the Guiding of Souls

In shamanism, it is understood that the spirit exists within the body and also beyond it. When a person experiences an emotional or physical injury, the shaman attends to the injury at the level of spirit as well as the physical or psychological levels. Soul Retrieval and the Guiding of Souls are two advanced shamanic practices that seek to heal specific forms of injury to the spirit. In this workshop, students will address issues of soul loss, a condition that is often the effect of a traumatic event, and can manifest as depression, anxiety, panic, auto-immune disorder, and more. Students will also gain experience with the Guiding of Souls, a process that extends vision and capacity to effect phenomenon beyond the veil of death. Counseling professionals will find these methodologies useful in working with their clients.

This workshop will:

• Deepen and expand your knowledge of traditional shamanic practice.
• Offer you ways to apply shamanic healing techniques in a contemporary context.
• Provide students with opportunities to engage in deeper levels of service and self-transformation.
• Provide intensive training on soul loss and its effects.
• Instruct students in traditional and Applied Shamanic methods of soul retrieval and provide opportunities for practicing and receiving healing.
• Teach students more about working with beings outside of the ordinary aspect of the middle world and instruct students in traditional techniques for assisting spirits transitioning from one form to another.

You will find this workshop especially beneficial if you:

• Want to learn techniques for resolving imbalance in order to be more fully yourself, and to support others in being more fully who they are.
• Seek to be steadier and more grounded when called to respond to your own or others’ suffering.
• Work in the service of people who have experienced trauma or destabilizing life events.


The Shamanic Journey and Power Retrieval & the Middle World.

Workshop Details:

Tuition: $425
Workshop Format: This is offered both as an in-person course and as a Distance Learning course.
This workshop is offered through the Circle of Shamanic Practitioners.

Upcoming Workshops:

Event Date/Time
Soul Retrieval & the Guiding of Souls (Live Stream)
Distance Learning, Berkeley, CA

Sat, October 26, 2024 - Sun, October 27, 2024
9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Soul Retrieval & the Guiding of Souls (In Person and Live Stream)
Sacred Stream Center, Berkeley, CA

Sat, April 26, 2025 - Sun, April 27, 2025
9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Soul Retrieval & the Guiding of Souls (In Person and Live Stream)
Distance Learning, Berkeley, CA

Sat, October 25, 2025 - Sun, October 26, 2025
9:00 am - 1:30 pm

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