Introduction to Shamanism

Introduction to Shamanism

In recent history, the term “shamanism” has been adapted by contemporary societies to refer to the vast knowledge and practices held in indigenous, nature-based cultures. These cultures have existed on the planet since the beginning of humanity. Each shamanic culture has its own unique language and understanding of the origins of the world and the nature of reality. These culturally defining aspects are referred to as “cultural shamanism.” There are also elements of shamanism that are not unique to any one culture, and are in fact common to all shamanic cultures. Applied Shamanism refers to the application of “core” methods of shamanic practice found in all shamanic traditions, with an emphasis on healing and integrity. In this workshop, you will learn about shamanism, Applied Shamanic Practice, and shamanic healing.

Workshop Details:

Tuition: $30
Workshop Format: This is offered as a Distance Learning course.
This workshop is offered through the Circle of Shamanic Practitioners.

Upcoming Workshops:

Event Date/Time
Introduction to Shamanism (Live Stream)
Distance Learning, Berkeley , California

Tue, September 10, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

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